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Canvas - External Application Integration
Integrated external applications add functionality to the Universities of Wisconsin (except for UW Madison) Digital Learning Environment (DLE) to meet the needs of teaching and learning. These applications allow the user to sign-on using credentials from the DLE and exchange data with the DLE. External applications do not include links, content or other materials within the DLE that do not exchange credentials or data. Each external application has its own unique configuration which is required to comply with federal regulations and UW System policies. To ensure the integrity of the DLE is not compromised, an integration request process reviews and vets the tool before it is integrated with the DLE.
To achieve a transparent, consistent, and efficient process, the UWS DLE Integration project “LTI/API integration Workstream” team has collaborated with institutions across the UW-System to develop an integration request process. The time frame to complete a request depends upon the complexity of the integration and the level of risk that the integration introduces into the DLE. The request process is sequential and follows the stages outlined in the “Integration Request Process” graphic shown below. To request a new integration, please download the Request / Scoring Rubric and work with your institution’s DLE Project manager or designated integrations contact to complete and submit the change request.
A complete list of integrations, which have been approved and are under review can be found at
Approval Process