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Canvas - Integration - Cognella Active Learning

Cognella Active Learning is approved for use within the Digital Learning Environment (DLE). The Cognella Active Learning Canvas integration allows instructors to add links to interactive educational activities that support a Cognella textbook. Integration links will automatically sign students in to the Cognella platform without requiring them to use a Cognella-specific username and password. The integration supports the pass back of activity grades into the Canvas gradebook. Students typically pay for access to the tool through their Cognella textbook purchase.


Directions for instructors are not posted online. Instructors are sent custom setup instructions by a Cognella eLearning Specialist. Once an instructor receives their instructions, they must work with their campus Canvas administrator to add the Cognella Active Learning app to their Canvas course.


Students and instructors can contact Cognella Customer Service by phone at 858-552-1120 or by email at

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KeywordsLTI External Tool App Integrated TextbookDoc ID109231
OwnerScott B.GroupUWSA DLE
Created2021-02-19 09:44:05Updated2021-02-22 17:27:05
SitesUW System Administration DLE
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