Topics Map > Canvas > External Applications

Canvas - Integration - APA Academic Writer

This document provides information about the APA Academic Writer Canvas External App.

The American Psychological Association (APA) distributes a number of applications under the APA Digital Learning name.

APA Academic Writer is approved for use within the Digital Learning Environment (DLE). Academic Writer includes three core tools to provide instructional resources to help students “develop optimal research and writing skills.” The Canvas app allows single sign-on for DLE users, deep content linking with Academic Writer content, and automatic gradebook synchronization.


This is not a free tool. Students can purchase access to Academic Writer for a single course by semester or by year and access must be purchased individually for each course utilizing Academic Writer. Reach out to your APA Partnership Manager to send a question, schedule a demo, or find out about pricing for Academic Writer. Trial access is available for instructors and administrators.

New Users

Interested faculty and staff should contact their institutional admin if they would like to utilize Academic Writer in a Canvas course.


To start, after an institutional admin installs Academic Writer in your course, add Academic Writer to your course Navigation menu. Next, select the Academic Writer link. Academic Writer will then prompt you to create a new account associated with your Canvas identity or to login to your existing Academic Writer account.

The Using Academic Writer in Your Course guide, linked from the Academic Writer Resources page, explains how to then utilize the tool to reinforce or supplement existing course instruction.

Additional Resources

Canvas Integration LTI APA
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Michael M. in UWSA DLE
UW System Administration DLE