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Zoom - Large meeting and webinar licenses

Zoom's default settings allow up to 300 participants in a meeting. Users on the University of Wisconsin System (except for UW Madison) instance of Zoom can request licenses to create meetings or webinars for larger groups. To request a "Large Meeting" or "Webinar" license, users should contact their campus Zoom administrator, who can request the license from UW System Administration.

Making a request

Campus Zoom administrators should contact the UW System administration Zoom team with the names and email addresses of specific users or service accounts to be granted licenses. Only users or accounts with single sign-on access are eligible.

Types of licenses

  • Large Meeting - 500 user limit
  • Large Meeting - 1000 user limit
  • Webinar - 1000 user limit
  • Webinar - 3000 user limit
Supplies of these licenses are limited. In general, "Large Meeting" licenses are more available than "Webinar" licenses, and "Webinar - 3000" licenses are only granted on a temporary basis (see below)

Permanent or Temporary licenses

If an end user needs a license on an ongoing basis, UW System can allocate that license "permanently," with no preset expiration date. 

If an end user needs license for only one meeting or a finite series of meetings, UW System can allocate a license temporarily and then remove the license at the end of the requested period of time. 

Either way, UW System will audit its Large Meeting and Webinar licenses periodically, and remove licenses which aren't being regularly used so they can be granted to other users.

Keywordszoom, webconference, webcast, broadcastDoc ID113929
OwnerThomas A.GroupUWSA DLE
Created2021-09-24 16:43:20Updated2024-02-26 12:58:48
SitesUW Green Bay, UW Parkside, UW Stout, UW System Administration DLE, UW-La Crosse
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