News and Announcements

Canvas (Continuing Education) - Login fixes 10/22/21

Posted: 2021-10-22 13:40:13   Expiration: 2021-10-29 13:40:13

Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2021-10-22 13:40:13. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.

On 10/22/21, the UW System Administration Digital Learning Environment team made fixes to two known login issues on the Continuing Education instance of Canvas.

The changes should resolve the following issues:

  • Deep linking: before the fix, users who attempted to log in via a link to a Continuing Education course or page (ex:[course number]) would be taken to the Continuing Education home page, rather than the course or page they were trying to get to.
  • Self registration: before the fix, users attempting to enroll themselves in a Continuing Education course with a self-enrollment link were sometimes required to manually enter the join code, even if they were using the correct self-enrollment link for the course.

For more information, see Canvas - Continuing Education Instance.

-- UWSA DLE: Thomas Arendalkowski