News and Announcements

Zoom - Waiting Room setting enabled for Health Information group 10/12/21

Posted: 2021-10-12 04:00:00   Expiration: 2021-10-20 15:53:44

Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2021-10-12 04:00:00. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.

On 10/12/21, the University of Wisconsin System Zoom administrators enabled the "Waiting Room" setting for the "UW - Student Health Users" Zoom group.

Here's Zoom's description of the "Waiting Room" setting: "When participants join a meeting, place them in a  waiting room and require the host to admin them individually. Enabling the waiting room automatically disables the setting for allowing participants to join before the host."

The "UW - Student Health Users" Zoom group is intended for users handling sensitive health information. The group applies additional settings to prevent meeting recordings and accidental meeting entry. 

For more information about Zoom Groups, see Zoom (Admin) - Managing Groups.

-- UWSA DLE: Thomas Arendalkowski