News and Announcements

Zoom - Health Information Security Group error 09/14/21 [Updated]

Posted: 2021-09-14 14:38:07   Expiration: 2021-09-21 14:38:07

Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2021-09-14 14:38:07. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.

On 09/14/21, the University of Wisconsin System Zoom team discovered that Zoom was removing users from a Zoom health information security group when they logged in via single sign-on. The Zoom configuration was updated at 9/14/21 at 10:51 AM to address the problem and users were added back to the security group by 12:00.

[Update 09/15/21: The incident has been reviewed with UWSA Office of Information Security, and no incident report is needed since only low risk information was impacted.]

UW System has determined that no users who had been removed from the health information security group due to this error created Zoom meeting recordings at any time.

The health information security group, recently renamed to "UW - Student Health Users," is a Zoom Group designed for University of Wisconsin System users whose jobs or studies involve protected health information. This Group applies additional security settings and permissions to its users' Zoom accounts in order to prevent the sharing of protected health information. 

Campus Zoom administrators can enroll users in the group as needed.

[Update #2, 09/15/21: We've been informed that the information information in question, although health-related, is governed by FERPA rather than HIPAA. References to HIPAA have been removed.]

-- UWSA DLE: Thomas Arendalkowski