Kaltura Errors 08/31/20 (updated)
Posted: 2020-08-31 08:39:31 Expiration: 2020-09-14 08:39:31
University of Wisconsin System users attempting to use Kaltura through Mediaspace or the Canvas integration may get an API Error or "Error: 500" the first time they attempt to load, edit, or embed a video. Reloading the page seems to resolve the issue. [Update: Additional server issues are now being reported.]
This may be related to Kaltura's cloud migration over the weekend. Kaltura is monitoring the situation and will post updates to the Kaltura status page: https://status.kaltura.com/.
Users encountering Kaltura issues which can't be resolved by reloading the page should contact their local teaching and learning support to create a support ticket with Kaltura.
Update 08/31/2020:
Kaltura has released the following statement:
August 31st: Tonight Kaltura will execute some optimizations post migration, to address some of the issues customers experienced during the day.
Maintenance is planned between 9PM until 3AM UTC. Downtime isn't expected during this maintenance, however, there might be some slowness in various API executions.
Update 09/04/2020:
Kaltura's Status page reports the following:
New – Playback - We have identified an issue affecting Playback on entries that were upload/transcoded on September 3rd. Symptoms include buffering, spinning wheel or dark screen. The root cause has been identified and we are working to resolve as the top priority. If you are still seeing issues with or have concerns about entries created on September 3rd, please [have your campus Kaltura administrator] contact Customer Care.
Update - Transcoding and Upload Delays – work continues to reduce the backlog and we have seen significant improvement in the overall queue. We still face a higher than normal volume of jobs, however we expect the queue to clear over the weekend. We are closely monitoring this situation.
Update - Webcast File Upload – fix has been completed and is still in QA. An ETA will be provided based on QA results. In the interim, if you need to run a Webcast and require slides during the weekend, please [have your campus Kaltura administrator] contact Customer Care for alternate options.
Update - Doc Conversion – work is in progress and an update on the ETA will be provided on Tuesday.
Update - Upload Errors & VOD Playback Errors and Thumbnail Images – due to ongoing optimizations on the platform, occasional errors may occur. We are planning to address these items with resolution by end of the weekend.
Update - Captioning performance – we are still working with the vendor to find the root cause for the delays. We are actively mitigating the delays as best as possible. Delays are currently contained to less than 10 hours. We expect the queue to reduce over the weekend.
What to expect next – we will update the status page by 10 PM UTC on Friday, September 4th.
-- UWSA DLE: Thomas Arendalkowski