News and Announcements

Canvas (Enrollments) - SIS import delays 05/15 to 05/19/2020 [Updated]

Posted: 2020-05-19 10:59:28   Expiration: 2020-05-26 10:59:28

Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2020-05-19 10:59:28. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.

University of Wisconsin System (UWS) campuses participating in the Digital Learning Environment (DLE) experienced delays receiving new course, enrollment, and organization data in Canvas between Friday 05/15 and 05/19/2020. The automated processes transferring enrollment and course data from campuses' Student Information Systems (SIS) failed to transfer the data in a timely manner. The UWS DLE Team is working with Instructure to correct the root issue and push new SIS data imports so that all campuses have the most up-to-date enrollment, course, and enrollment data in Canvas.

Campus Canvas Administrators can check the status of their campus' SIS imports by following the steps in the SIS Imports Tool for Troubleshooting Enrollments guide.

Update 05/20/2020: the core SIS data import issue has been resolved. All but two campuses have received up-to-date SIS data in Canvas, and we're working with Instructure to update the final campuses.

-- UWSA DLE: Thomas Arendalkowski