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DLE KB - About the Digital Learning Environment (DLE) KnowledgeBase

Welcome to the Digital Learning Environment (DLE) KnowledgeBase, a central repository for UW System help documentation on all aspects of the Digital Learning Environment. This includes Canvas, Kaltura, and Blackboard Collaborate.


The DLE KB is intended as a shared resource for all UW System institutions participating in the DLE. This KB is intended to supplement vendor documentation with UW System-specific information, not to replace vendor documentation. 


The DLE KB works best when personnel from across the UW System contribute to it. The KB software makes it easy to share documents written in the DLE KB out to individual campus KnowledgeBases, so each document only needs to be written once.

Support personnel at any UW System institution who wish to author documents may request authoring permission by contacting the DLE KB admins at:

New documents are written, reviewed, and published in accordance with the Document Workflow. An abbreviated version of that workflow is:

2) An author drafts the document. Once they're satisfied with the document, they mark the "Status" to In Review.

3) KB Admins review the document and send it back for re-writing or publish it by setting the "Status" to Active and setting the "Site Access" to internal or external.

4) If the document was marked for distribution to other KB sites (such as campus KB sites), then the admins of those KB sites will review the document and decide whether or not to publish it on their sites.

5) After publication, the document author will periodically be asked to review and revise the document.

Document Style Guidelines

New KB authors should review the KB Author Training to learn how the KB authoring tools work.

All documents should follow the Document Style Guidelines, including the use of descriptive titles, section headers, the use of bold text to "instruct a reader to actively do something on the screen," etc. See the Document Style Guidelines for more details.

Documents should be written using the options in the rich text editor and basic HTML. DLE KB documents should not not use custom Javascript or CSS.

Local References

Because documents in the DLE KB are intended for UW System-wide use, authors should avoid campus-specific references which obscure meaning to users from other campuses. Some campus-specific references to use with caution:
  • Campus names
  • Specific department names
  • Login URLs
  • Help Desk Contacts
  • Campus-specific software/service titles (such as "PRISM" instead of "Student Information System")
  • Branding/site look

Article Request Form

To suggest that a document be written on a particular topic, please fill out the Make a Suggestion form. If you'd like to write that document, please indicate that in the "Suggestion / content" field.

Canvas knowledge lms learning management system
Doc ID:
Owned by:
Thomas A. in UWSA DLE
UW System Administration DLE