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Canvas (Grading) - SpeedGrader "Reassign Assignment" Feature

The Reassign Assignment feature in Canvas's SpeedGrader "allows an instructor to ask a student to resubmit an assignment as part of the instructor's regular grading workflow" (Release Notes 03-20-21). University of Wisconsin System instructors often have questions about this feature, as it doesn't always function like an instructor might expect.

What does the Reassign Assignment button do?

In SpeedGrader, instructors can reassign an assignment with a due date to an individual student and ask them to redo their submission. This allows instructors to provide feedback and reassign an assignment to an individual student, which places the assignment back in the List View Dashboard as another assignment to complete.

Does this mean the assignment is put back on the students To-Do List?

No, the To-Do List, the List View Dashboard, and the Card View Dashboard are separate features. This currently only places the item back into the List View Dashboard.

Does the Reassign button alter Due Dates or End Dates?

No, both Due Dates and End Dates remain unchanged when the assignment is reassigned. The advantage to this is that you do not need to worry that this may negatively impact the timing of your course, as no date is placed on the reassign. The disadvantage is that an assignment that has been Reassigned after the due date has passed will be marked late when returned, and can not be resubmitted after the end date.

I am not able to reassign. What is happening?

The Reassign Assignment button is only available under the following circumstances:
  • There is a due date on the assignment.
  • Feedback has been provided on the assignment.
  • The assignment settings allow the student to make an additional submission attempt.
In addition, the "Reassign Assignment button is not available for External Tools (LTI), on paper, and 'no submission' assignments" (Release Notes 03-20-21).

I did not mean to click the Reassign Assignment button. Can I undo this?

No, once the Reassign button has been pressed there is not a way to undo the reassign request.

Does using the Reassign Assignment button send the student a notification?

No, but a comment is necessary to use the Reassign button, and student have the option to receive notifications from comments. It is recommended that if you are going to use the Reassign button that your comment include an explicit mention of your request to have the student resubmit, along with any timelines associated wit the reassignment.

Canvas, Reassign, SpeedGrader, gradebook, assignment, to-do, list view, card view,
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