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KB User's Guide - Explanation of User Types and Access Levels

This document provides a broad overview of the different types of live site users in the KB, their access level, and how it relates to what content they can see.

Note: The user types described below all pertain to long-term KB access. If you have a need to share internal or draft content with an individual user on a temporary basis, please use the Private Share feature: KB User's Guide - Documents Tab - Shared-private (Privately Shared Docs)

User Types

The user types that can access KB live sites (i.e. external and/or internal sites) are as follows, ranging from the lowest access level to the highest):

Public User

A "public user" is a user who is not authenticated with campus credentials, and who does not possess them. This is essentially anyone who is not affiliated with your campus.

A public user can only access externally-published content via your (and any other) external KB site.

Campus User

A "campus user" is a user who possesses valid login credentials for your campus and can successfully authenticate, but who does not meet the definition of any of the other user types described below.

A campus user can access externally-published content as well as content that has been published with the CampusAccess setting: KB User's Guide - Documents Tab - Using the Campus Access Setting to Protect Content

Limited Access User

A "limited access user" is a user who has been added to your KB group space's user list with internal KB (iKB) permissions, and who has also been made a member of a Limited Access Group (see KB User's Guide - Users Tab - User Access Groups and Limited Access Groups for more information).

A limited access user can access externally-published content, CampusAccess content, and select internal content.

Group Authorized User

A "group authorized user" is a user who meets the criteria for at least one Group Authorization rule that is currently active (see KB User's Guide - Users Tab - Group Authorization for more information).

A group authorized user can access externally-published content, CampusAccess content, and any non-restricted internal content.

Fully Authorized User

A "fully authorized user" is a user who has been added to your KB group space's user list with internal KB (iKB) permissions, but who is not a Limited Access Group member or a User Access Group member.

A fully authorized user can access externally-published content, CampusAccess content, and any non-restricted internal content.

User Access Group Member

A User Access Group member is a user who has been added to your KB group space's user list with internal KB (iKB) permissions, and who has also been made a member of a User Access Group.

A group authorized user can access externally-published content, CampusAccess content, any non-restricted internal content, and internal content that is read access-restricted to their UAG.

What Each User Can See

Below is a chart detailing what content each user can see on which sites (external and internal), as well as how each site is presented to them.

In addition to the users described above, access conveyed via a Private Share is also included in this chart. For more information on the Private Share feature, please see: KB User's Guide - Documents Tab - Shared-private (Privately Shared Docs)

Public User Campus User Limited User Group User  Full User UAG Member
External Site URL
External header, layout, CSS, JS, and footer)
External news items, topics, content modules, and side modules
External RSS feeds
External feedback options
External documents marked "Defer to SiteAccess"
External documents marked "Ext/Internal with campus login" Title and keywords only
Internal Site URL
External header, layout, CSS, JS, and footer No No No  No No
Internal header, layout, CSS, JS, and footer) No No
Internal news items, content modules, and side modules No No
External news items, content modules, and side modules No No No No
Internal topics No No Limited      
External topics No No No No No
Internal RSS feeds No No  Limited
Internal feedback options No No
External feedback options No No No No No
Blog options if applicable No No
Internal documents marked "Defer to SiteAccess" No No Limited
Internal documents marked "Ext/internal with campus login" or "Internal for all campus users" No No
Internal documents with ReadAccess restriction applied No No No No No

Keywordscampusaccess valid campus authenticated credentials fully group authorized authorization limited users internal staff KB Admin Tools permissions see content admin only hide hiding content text page pages provisionDoc ID36826
OwnerLeah S.GroupKB User's Guide
Created2014-01-28 17:17:28Updated2021-12-17 11:38:50
SitesKB User's Guide
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