Topics Map > Users Tab

KB User's Guide - Users Tab - Search and Display Filters on the Existing Users Screen

Those with permissions to the Users tab can add or edit users in your KB group. This document will show how to filter a

Clicking on the Users tab leads you to the Existing Users: Active Users screen. You may use the 4 filters on the top of the screen to narrow down your search. In the image below, a large red arrow points to the four Search fields. The Display filters , which are circled in red, control what columns are displayed in the results table. You may enable/ disable the Display filters as needed.

The Existing Users page. The Users tab in the top navigation bar is circled in red. The checkboxes section below the search bars are circled in red.

Search Filters

The following are descriptions of the four Search filters:

Document Search Filters
Search Filter Description
Find You may search for users by NetID, Domain, Name, Email or Subject area.
User status/ rights This dropdown filter defaults to Active users and includes; Admin users, All users, Users with Publish rights and Inactive users
Sort This dropdown filter sorts your results based off of a variety of options.
Limit This dropdown filter defaults to 25 entries per page and goes up to 800 entries.
Go Once you make your filter selection(s), click on the Go button to execute your search

Under the row of Search Filters are a series of checkboxes that hide/ show columns in the table of Users. Check and/or uncheck boxes to modify the table display. The results table will return to their defaults upon exiting the page.

Checkboxes to Show or Hide Columns
Display Filter Description Displayed by Default?
ID (User ID in the KB Database) View unique User IDs assigned by KB database N
NetID Username for Authentication Y
Domain URL identifying specific institution Y
FirstName User First Name Y
LastName User Last Name Y
Email User Email Address N
Docs Number of Docs Owned by User N
Active User active status Y
iKB Permissions to access to Internal KB Y
oDocs Show who has permissions to create, edit, and review Drafts and Active Docs owned by the user. Y
gDocs Show who as permissions create, edit, and review Drafts and Active Docs owned by any member of the group. Y
Topics Show who has permissions to access the Topics Tab Y
News Show who has permissions to access the News Tab Y
Settings Show who permissions to access the Settings Tab Y
Users Show who permissions to access the Users Tab Y
Asst (Assessment) Show who has permissions to access the Asst (Assessment) Tab Y
Stats Show who has permissions to access the Stats Tab Y
Publish Show who has permissions to Publish Y
Tester Tester role status N
Access Groups View Access Groups Membership N
More This button leads to Individual User data Y

KeywordsKB knowledgebase knowledge base Admin Tools User Guide Users Tab summary overview ID existing users filters modify tableDoc ID127
OwnerLeah S.GroupKB User's Guide
Created2001-11-04 19:00:00Updated2023-07-24 16:11:57
SitesKB User's Guide
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