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Kaltura - Inserting Videos in Canvas

Kaltura is the video portal for instructors, students, and staff across the Universities of Wisconsin. Instructors, students, and staff can use it to easily upload, store, stream, and share (or restrict) videos.

Once you have uploaded videos to your Kaltura account or recorded them with Kaltura Capture, there are two main ways to insert them into Canvas Pages, Assignments, Discussions, etc:

  1. the rich text editor (Browse, Search and Embed/BSE)
  2. HTML embed code from My Media

Insert via Rich Text Editor

The most convenient method for inserting Kaltura videos into Canvas is the rich text editor available through the editing screen of most Canvas tools. Follow these steps:

1) Go to any Canvas Page, Assignment, Discussion, etc, which allows you to edit text. Click Edit or Reply to open the text editing view.

2) In the new Rich Content Editor, click the asterisk-shaped My Media button (or click the electrical plug-shaped Apps icon > View All > My Media)

 Kaltura new Rich Content Editor with the My Media and Apps icons highlighted.

3) Your My Media page will pop up. Choose the video you want to insert click the </> Embed button to insert the video with default settings or the gear-shaped Embed Settings icon to use advanced video embed options.


4) Your video should appear in the text box. Click Save or Post Reply to save your work.

Click Post Reply.

Insert with HTML Embed Code

Although it requires more steps, you get more flexibility when you insert videos into Canvas using embed code.

1) Go to Account > My Media 

Canvas My Media. Click on Account, then My Media.

2) Click the title of the video you want to insert

3) On the page about the video, scroll below the video and click the Share tab.

Click Share

4) On the Share tab, you can choose a player for your video and a video size. If you're feeling experimental,  you can even read the embed code and edit some of the variables manually (this is totally optional).

Choose a Player Size and a Player. Use ctrl+c or right click to Copy the embed code.

Use ctrl+c or right click to Copy the embed code.

5) Go to any Canvas Page, Assignment, Discussion, etc, which allows you to edit text. Click Edit or Reply to open the text editing view.

6) Open the Insert menu and select Embed.

Rich text editor menu with Insert menu open and the Embed option highlighted.

7) In the Insert/edit media popup which appears, click the Embed tab and use ctrl+v or right click to Paste the embed code you copied in Step 4, above. Click Submit.

8) Your video should appear in the body of the text. Click Save or Post Reply to save your work.

Keywordsmedia, kaltura, video, myMedia, my media, embed, embed code, rich text, External ToolsDoc ID91056
OwnerThomas A.GroupUWSA DLE
Created2019-04-15 15:55:01Updated2023-10-30 15:12:35
SitesUW Green Bay, UW Parkside, UW System Administration DLE, UW-La Crosse
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