Kaltura (Recycle Bin) - New Recycle Bin Feature Enabled
Posted: 2023-11-03 14:53:33 Expiration: 2023-11-17 14:53:33
The "Recycle Bin" feature has been enabled in the Universities of Wisconsin Kaltura system. This feature allows users to delete video entries with an option to restore them later (within 30 days of being deleted).
The Digital Learning Environment Team has enabled the Kaltura "Recycle Bin" feature that allows users to delete video entries with an option to restore them later (within 30 days of being deleted). Users no longer have to worry about accidentally deleting a video or changing their minds after deleting a video. The video be restored to its rightful place and its original name, tags, details, metadata and functionality will also be restored.
See the Following guides for more information:
- Kaltura (Recycle Bin) – Move an Item to the Recycle Bin
- Kaltura (Recycle Bin) – Restore Deleted Items from the Recycle Bin
- Kaltura (Recycle Bin) – Permanently Delete Items from the Recycle Bin
-- UWSA DLE: Jason Zapf