News and Announcements

September 18, 2021 Release

Posted: 2021-09-15 11:56:12   Expiration: 2021-09-21 11:56:12

Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2021-09-15 11:56:12. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.

The University of Wisconsin System instance of Canvas held a meeting on August 24, 2021, to review upcoming features in Canvas. New Features available in Canvas after 09/18/2021

  • Permissions – Manage Assignments and Quizzes Granularity: The Assignments and Quizzes add, edit, and delete permissions will be seperated from a single permission into three

  • Permissions – Manage Groups Granularity: The Groups add, edit, and delete permissions will be seperated from a single permission into three.

  • Rich Content Editor – Accessibility Checker Indicator: When accessibility issues are detected within the Rich Content Editor, the Accessibility Checker automatically displays an indicator. This indicator helps users know about these issues without having to open the Accessibility Checker. Opening the Accessibility Checker will show the number of errors and how to correct each error.

  • Outcomes – Improved Outcomes Management: The Improved Outcomes Management feature replaces current outcome listings in accounts and courses with a better creation, navigation, search and import experiences. 

  • New Analytics - Canvas Online Attendance: New Analytics includes an Online Attendance tab, which updates according to criteria set at the account level.


-- UWSA DLE: Shane Degen