News and Announcements

Zoom Configuration Changes 8.23.21

Posted: 2021-08-23 07:49:19   Expiration: 2021-08-30 07:49:19

Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2021-08-23 07:49:19. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.

The following configuration changes have been made to the University of Wisconsin System (except for UW Madison) instance of Zoom.


  • Canvas - Zoom integration - Canvas notifications disabled. By default, when instructors created or modified a Zoom meeting in a Canvas course, a notification was sent to users in the course. Based on faculty and student feedback, we have disabled these Zoom Canvas notifications.  The Canvas calendar integration remains unchanged.
  • Two new meeting authentication options added. Zoom allows meeting owners to "Require authentication to join." In addition to Zoom's default "Sign in to Zoom" option, which will would allow users to authenticate with a Zoom account from any domain, two UW-specific options have been added:
    • "All UW Authenticated Users" - meeting will require the users to have a email address associates with a UW base user account.
    • "Only Authenticate UW-Stevens Point User" - Users will be limited to those with UW-Stevens Point email addresses.
  • Zoom chat contacts updated to allow users to search for any user associated with the UW instance of Zoom.

-- UWSA DLE: Dale Johnson