News and Announcements

Kaltura (Known Issue) - "Not Found: The requested URL was not found on this server" - Resolved 02/04/21

Posted: 2021-02-01 11:58:21   Expiration: 2021-02-08 11:58:21

Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2021-02-01 11:58:21. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.

University of Wisconsin System Kaltura users attempting to access certain Kaltura videos through My Media or Course Media between 02/01/21 and 02/04/21 may have receive a "Not Found: The requested URL was not found on this server" error. The University of Wisconsin System worked with Kaltura Support to resolve the issue. On 02/04/21, Kaltura deployed a hotfix which we believe solved the problem.

The issue initially appeared to be related to videos migrated from Blackboard Collaborate Ultra to Kaltura through the Media Management Process. Further research indicates that the issue is likely related to a recent change in the way that Kaltura processes special characters (particularly slashes "/") in the titles of videos in My Media page URLs. This issue appears to impact all Kaltura videos with special characters such as slashes ("/") in their titles, and is not limited to migrated Blackboard Collaborate Ultra recordings.

The error does not appear when users play back videos embedded in Canvas or when Admins access a video through the Kaltura Management Console.

Kaltura is aware of the issue and has escalated to Tier 3 support.



Users can use My Media's Edit feature (by clicking the pencil-shaped Edit icon next to the title of the video) to access, play or edit the video. We recommend editing impacted videos to replace slashes with other characters.

Kaltura My Media page displaying one video. The pencil-shaped Edit icon is highlighted.

For example, a user could use the Edit screen to change the title of a video from "09/25/2020 - Recording Privacy settings test" to "09-25-2020 - Recording Privacy settings test," and this would restore full functionality to the video.

From your My Media screen, you should:

1) Click the pencil-shaped Edit icon next to the title of the video

2) Go to Name (Required) and write a different title for the video which does not contain slashes ("/")

3) Click Save

As mentioned above, we are working with Kaltura Support for a resolution to this issue. We will update this News item when there is a solution.

-- UWSA DLE: Thomas Arendalkowski