News and Announcements

Canvas - External Tool (LTI) Favorites in New Rich Content Editor 12/22/2020

Posted: 2020-12-18 12:07:27   Expiration: 2020-12-25 12:07:27

Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2020-12-18 12:07:27. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.

On 12/22/2020, campus Canvas administrators should implement a change to Canvas's New Rich Content Editor in the Instructional instance for the University of Wisconsin System (excluding Madison). The change will allow the addition of two favorite External Tools (LTIs) to the main menu of the New Rich Content Editor, making those tools easier to access when editing Canvas content.

The first favorite External Tool will be "Kaltura - Media Gallery and Browse and Embed." The second favorite External Tool can be determined by the campus Canvas administrator based on the approved external applications in use at their institution.

In the Instructional instance of Canvas, this change should be implemented by each institution's Canvas administrator at their top level Instructional subaccount for the instance on 12/22/20. This cannot be implemented at the root UW System level on the Instructional instance. The DLE Team will update the Training & Development and Continuing Education instances on 12/22/20 at their respective top levels. 

Campus Canvas administrators should follow Instructure's instructions for adding External Tool (LTI) Favorites to the New Rich Text Editor.

This change only applies to Canvas's New Rich Content Editor (not the Classic Rich Text Editor), which Instructure will make mandatory in their January release. Each UW institution is encouraged to find a time that best meets their needs for local enforcement of the New Rich Content Editor.  

-- UWSA DLE: Thomas Arendalkowski