Canvas - New Rich Content Editor, January 2021
Posted: 2020-11-12 10:32:22 Expiration: 2021-01-18 10:32:22
On January 16, 2021, Instructure will turn off Canvas's classic Rich Content Editor (RCE) in-favor of a new editor, which is currently available as an optional feature. Campus Canvas Administrators in the University of Wisconsin System (except Madison) are encouraged look at their campus's Winterim schedules and choose the least disruptive time to turn this feature on in their Canvas subaccounts. On January 16, the feature will be forced on for all subaccounts and courses that have not already elected to turn it on, and the classic RCE will no longer be available.
The Digital Learning Environment Release Notes Team recommends the following steps to UW System field administrators:
- Determine a date when the feature can be enabled for your SIS, CE and TD courses. For any subaccount visit the Feature Options tab in Settings, and change “RCE Enhancements” from “Allow” to “ON”.
- Communicate the change to your instructors. The new RCE changes the location of buttons, has new features and changes the way media is handled. Evaluate the need for communication to students.
- Review Instructure’s resources on the new RCE to and actively participate in communities to actuate as many changes as possible before release.
- Original New RCE release documentation
- New Rich Content Editor FAQ
- “What is the New Rich Content Editor?” KB article – includes videos and lesson information for instructors and students
- New Rich Content Editor Users Group
- Test how the New RCE works against content and tools specific to your institutions.
-- UWSA DLE: Thomas Arendalkowski