News and Announcements

October 2020 Canvas Release

Posted: 2020-10-10 13:25:41   Expiration: 2020-10-17 13:25:41

Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2020-10-10 13:25:41. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.

The University of Wisconsin System instance of Canvas held a meeting on September29, 2020, to review upcoming features in Canvas.

Global Navigation – Recent History: The Global Navigation Menu includes a Recent History link, which displays recently visited pages in Canvas. This change helps users remember what page they last viewed in one or multiple courses

Notifications – Notification Preferences Interface: The user-level Notifications page has been updated to match the design of the course-level Notifications page. Additional enhancements have been added to clarify notifications between each level.

MathJax Equation Improvements: The MathJax JS library has been improved to render equations in a more accessible format and promote ease of use. Math equations created anywhere in Canvas will be rendered as MathML. This change improves accessibility for equations throughout Canvas. Previously, equations were treated as an image and included title attributes and alternative text and were not available to keyboard users. Additionally, image views varied by browser and screen readers, equations could not be copied, and alternative text could be inadvertently changed or removed.

-- UWSA DLE: Shane Degen