News and Announcements

Canvas: COVID-19 Ready Release 04/04/2020

Posted: 2020-04-02 11:11:40   Expiration: 2020-04-09 11:11:40

Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2020-04-02 11:11:40. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.

In addition to the regularly scheduled monthly release, Canvas has released weekly feature options designed to provide immediate solutions to institutions facing COVID-19. This document will summarize the features from the release that UW-System will implement.

  • HELP MENU: New and Featured links
A Help Menu link can be featured in the Help Menu, and a new link added to the menu can be identified as new.
Commons resources pages include a button to copy the resource link. This change allows instructors to share Commons resources via URL outside of Canvas.
  • NEW ANALYTICS: Analytics Chart Tabs
The New Analytics chart viewing options have been changed from drop-down menus to page tabs.
  • USER NAVIGATION: Teacher Mobile App Login QR Code
When instructors are in Canvas, their User Navigation Menu includes a QR for Mobile Login link. This link generates a QR code and tells them they can use the code to log in to their account from the Canvas Teacher App.
The Password Reset confirmation notification on the Continuing Education instance has been updated with password recovery instructions. The notification is retained until dismissed by the user.

Note: This change applies to Continuing Education instance users who do not login with a UW System institution username and password. Users with email addresses from UW Campuses need to use the password reset option from their specific campus.

More details about all of these changes can be found here:

-- UWSA DLE: Karla Clausen