News and Announcements

Canvas Permission Changes

Posted: 2019-10-02 13:28:46   Expiration: 2019-10-09 13:28:46

Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2019-10-02 13:28:46. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.

The Fixed/Flexible, Roles & Permissions, and Processes (“FFRPP”) permission changes.

The following changes have been made to Canvas permissions in response to approved change requests.

  1. Support Admin and Reporting Admin roles have been deployed to the Continuing Education and Training and Development instances.
  2. Sub Account Admin has been renamed to Institutional Admin to provide better alignment with the Instructional instance.
  3. Sub Account Admin (Now Institution Admin) was granted the following additional permissions; view all grades, Conversations - send messages to entire class,  Quizzes - view submission logs, sis data read. This was done to allow the admin to enroll users as support & reporting admin, as well as provide better permission parity with the instructional instance.  This also addresses the open request for admins to have grade access on CE and TD.
  4. Continuing Education account users have been granted the permission to change their name.  This does not apply to users using institutional netID's.  More information on how a user can change their name can be found at;

-- UWSA DLE: Dale Johnson