News and Announcements

September 2019 Canvas Release

Posted: 2019-09-10 14:12:10   Expiration: 2019-09-17 12:12:10

Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2019-09-10 14:12:10. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.

The University of Wisconsin - System instance of Canvas held a meeting on September 10, 2019, to review new features in Canvas.

New Features available after September 21, 2019

  • Instructors can filter SpeedGrader assignments by student group via an option in course settings. When the feature is enabled, SpeedGrader will only load submissions from a selected group.
  •  In New Quizzes (formerly known as QuizzesNext) multiple choice questions support individual feedback for each answer.
  • Navigation: Menu Visibility release has been delayed to 10/19/2019. With this feature, instead of disabled menu items appearing in gray to the instructor, an icon will be displayed next to the disabled item. Active link will appear in a different color and with a small vertical line to the left of the link name.
The Release Notes document includes a summary of the released features, a link to the official Canvas Release Notes, and links to the recordings from the meetings.

-- UWSA DLE: Karla Clausen