Canvas - New Report - Student Activity and Performance
Posted: 2019-08-21 05:37:04 Expiration: 2019-08-28 05:37:04
Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2019-08-21 05:37:04. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.
The "Student Activity and Performance" report has been enabled. This report shows student activity and performance per enrollment
The Student Activity and Performance report has been enabled in our Canvas instance. Below table shows example of the output. The report can be run from account settings.
account_name | user_id | first_name | last_name | course_name | section_name | teachers | user_start | user_finish | assignment_submissions | discussion_submissions | quiz_submissions | module_completion | percent_completed | expected_percent_completed | course_participation_metric | completion_status | score | score_status | last_access |
Account 1 | sis_student_1 | John | Doe | All about arthropods | AAA Section 1 | Edna Krabappel,Elizabeth Hoover | 2014-09-25 14:01:34 | 2015-03-25 14:01:51 | 2014-12-25 13:56:33,2014-12-25 18:56:48 | 2014-12-27 13:57:13 | 2014-12-27 16:57:30 | 2014-12-27 16:57:30 | 65% | 70% | 0.92 | On Track | 85% | Passing | 2015-01-25T13:59:40Z |
There are some hard coded business rules in this report. Below is explanation of each of the columns which contain business logic.
% Complete | calculated | Calculation of % of context modules complete from the total modules that are available and active. | 75% | |
Expected % Complete | calculated | Calculation of expected progress. This is based on the weekdays(M-F) that have occurred up to the current date from User Start divided by the weekdays(M-F) available from User Start - User Finish | 80% | |
Course Participation Metric | calculated | The result of “% Complete” divided by “Expected % Complete” | 0.93 | |
Completion Status | Based on the “Course Participation Metric” a text value is displayed according the chart. >= 1.0 - Ahead >=0.8 - On Track >=0.6 - Behind <0.6 - Serious Concern | On Track | ||
Score | current_score | Enrollment | The user’s current score in the course | 90% |
Score Status | calculate | Based on the “Score” a text value is displayed according the chart. Nil - N/A >=70 - Passing >= 60 In Danger of Failing <60 - Failing | Passing |
-- UWSA DLE: Dale Johnson