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Canvas (Reports) - Courses using Respondus LockDown Browser

The "Courses using Respondus" report is a custom Canvas report available to Canvas administrators within the University of Wisconsin System (except for UW Madison) through the BETA DLE Datasets tool. This report runs within a Canvas subaccount to list courses using the Respondus Lockdown Browser.

This report is part of the BETA DLE Datasets tool, currently under development. For instructions on running reports in the DLE Datasets tool, see Canvas (Reports) - BETA DLE Datasets Tool

Report Title

"Courses using Respondus"

Short Description 

This report allows a Canvas administrator to view a report of classic quizzes that have enabled the Respondus Lockdown Browser / Monitor.  At this time, New Quiz data is not available


This report searches courses within a specific Canvas subaccount and all of the subaccounts beneath it. The administrator must navigate to the subaccount they want to run the report for; the DLE Datasets tool takes its context from the subaccount you're in when you launch the tool.

This report only works with classic quizzes currently.  Data on new quizzes is not yet available in the Canvas Data Portal.

Field list 

The results of the report include the following data.

  • Campus: The top level sub-account associated with the corresponding UW campus.
  • Level-1 Account Name: The secondary account associated with the primary campus account.
  • Subaccount Name: The direct subaccount for the course - generally the department.
  • Term: The semester term associated with the course.
  • CourseName: The friendly name of the course.

  • SISID: The SIS value associated with the course.
  • Course Code: The course code associated with the course.
  • Canvas Course ID: The numeric ID value associated with the course - what appears in the URL field.
  • Instructors Names: Comma separated list of "Teachers" in the course.
  • Instructors Emails: Comma separated email list of "Teachers" in the course.
  • Quiz ID: The numeric ID value associate with the quiz - what appears in the URL field.
  • Quiz Name: The friendly name of the quiz.
  • Quiz Status: The status of the quiz - published / unpublished.
  • Browser Lockdown Status: Displays "required" if Lockdown Browser is enabled for the quiz.  Default value is "not_required".
  • Browser Lockdown for Results Status: Displays "required" if Lockdown Browser is required for students to view quiz results.

    Default value is "not_required".

  • Lockdown Monitor Status: Displays "required" if Respondus Monitor is enabled for the quiz. Default value is "not_required".
  • Unlock Date-Time: The date / time the quiz is set to unlock.
  • Lock Date-Time: The date / time the quiz is set to lock.
  • Due Date-Time: The date / time the quiz is due.

Data Source 

This report joins the following tables from the Canvas Data Portal:

For a description of each table and the information which could be included, see the links above. For more information, see Instructure's Canvas Data Portal documentation.


The data this report is based on is refreshed daily in the Canvas Data Warehouse, but it has approximately a 48 hour delay. This means that changes made within the past 48 hours will not be reflected in this report.

Keywordsreport, query, api, data, search, respondusDoc ID117030
OwnerAaron A.GroupUWSA DLE
Created2022-03-01 11:13:03Updated2022-03-01 15:19:19
SitesUW System Administration DLE
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