Results: 101-113 of 113

No.Document TitleIDUpdatedViews
101(WHS Archives) Cataloging -- Bibliographic Records -- Export to Alma1216992023-10-25250
102(WHS Archives) Conservation -- Archives Treatment Reports in Alma591342023-10-25211
103(WHS Archives) Microfilm -- AP Copies -- Edit Holdings/Add Items699022023-10-25194
104(WHS Archives) Microfilm -- AP Copies -- New Holdings698782023-10-25191
105(WHS Archives) Audio -- User Copies – New Holdings, Items673662023-10-25202
106(WHS Archives) Audio -- Master -- New Holdings, Items673672023-10-25202
107(WHS Archives) Cataloging -- Holdings Records581102023-10-25255
108(WHS Archives) Cataloging -- Bibliographic Records - Transferring Papers/Records1227722023-10-25189
109(WHS Archives) Cataloging -- Item Records565932023-10-25226
110(WHS Archives) Finding aids -- Manual891092023-01-202680
111(WHS Archives) Cataloging -- Manual1219302022-12-01284
112(Madison) GLS Acquisitions Special Purchases [Campus login required]1225122022-11-151
113(WHS Archives) Film -- Holdings and Item Records946472022-10-251435
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