(WHS Archives) ArchivesSpace -- Resource -- EAD Export

Instructions for exporting EAD from ASpace and editing before putting onto UWDCC testsite.

Exporting EAD from ASpace (In Review)

  1. Open ASpace check for the following fields at collection level, if not alert Cataloging Archivist

    1. Title

    2. Language (at least 1)
    3. Date (only 1)

    4. Extent (at least 1)

    5. Agent Links (at least 1, in most cases)
    6. Subjects (at least 2)
    7. Notes should have at least: Physical Location (x2), Abstract, Arrangement (if more than 1 Part)
    8. Finding aid data should have at least: EAD ID, EAD Location and Finding aid status = Ready to publish.

  2. Collection level select Publish all

  3. Export > Generate PDF for review and make needed edits in ASpace, see Contents List Guidelines

    1. Expand abbreviations and acronyms
    2. Fix typos and spelling errors
    3. Dates should be in Year Month Day order (1975 April 17 not Apr. 17, 1975)
    4. Check for consistency within finding aid and with other WHS finding aids
  4. Export > Download EAD > check

    • Include unpublished

    • Include <dao> tags

    • Use numbered <c> tags

  5. Open xml in Oxygen, file will be in C://Downloads/ with call number(s) as first part of file name

  6. Edit > Select All > Copy
  7. Open EadTransformer (wisc.edu) 
    1. Select "Wisconsin Historical Society"
    2. Paste EAD xml into box
    3. Select "Transform"
    4. Select "Copy text"
  8. Open new XML file in Oxygen then save (File > Save)

    H:\\Collections\Shared\Archives Cataloging and EAD\EAD\EAD ASpace export\[file name].xml

     File name = last part of EAD ID in ASpace Finding aid data; for example, use highlighted portion: uw-whs-m2001028

    H:\\Collections\Shared\Archives Cataloging and EAD\EAD\EAD ASpace  export\m2001028.xml

  9. <archdesc level="collection"> <did> reorder fields; see specific instructions for each field -- REVIEW STARTING HERE TO MAKE SURE THESE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE (20240417 aeb)

         <unittitle>... , <unitdate></unitdate></unittitle>
         <physloc audience="internal">whi
         <physloc><extref>COLLECTION MAY BE STORED ...

  10. <unitdate> must appear inside <unittitle> for the following areas:

       - Collection title
       - Parts (in contents list)
       - Series

    When moving <unitdate> inside <unittitle>, do not forget to add "comma space" before <unitdate>

    For example

    <unittitle>Committee Files, <unitdate>  era="ce" calendar="gregorian" datechar="creation" type="inclusive" normal="1975/177">circa 1975-circa 1977</unitdate></unittitle>

  11. <unitid> at collection level: 

       - Add label="Call Number" ONLY at Collection level!!!
            <unitid label="Call Number"></unitid>

       - Add additional call numbers from Abstract, as needed

       - Remove periods between call numbers, add semicolons and spaces, as needed

    For example
    <unitid>U.S. Mss 27AN; Audio 505A; Audio 1052A;.AE 842; CD 364-CD 365; DG 781; .FI 020-FI


    <unitid label="Call Number">U.S. Mss 27AN; Audio 505A; Audio 1052A; AE 842; CD 364-CD 365; DG 781; FI 020-FI
            030; M2004-120</unitid>

  12. Compress <physdesc><extent>: remove attribute altrender from both tags, as well as combining the two <extent> within one <physdesc>

    For one <physdesc> example

    <physdesc altrender="part"> 

  <extent altrender="materialtype spaceoccupied">0.2 cubic feet of photographs</extent>
        <extent altrender="carrier">
(1 archives box)</extent>

    replace with

0.2 cubic feet of photographs (1 archives box)</extent>

For multiple <physdesc> combine into one <physdesc><extent>; add "; plus additions of " when there are processed and "unprocessed" parts:

3.4 cubic feet (3 records center cartons and 1 archives box); plus additions of 101.4 cubic feet (97 record center cartons and 13 archives boxes) and 1 video recording</extent>

  1. <repository> -- KEEP

    Should appear as
    <repository label="Repository">
    entityref="whslogo" show="embed" actuate="onload" altrender="center" title="Wisconsin Historical Society logo" role="logoimage"/>
    linktype="simple" href="https://www.wisconsinhistory.org/Records/Article/CS15325" role="handle">

    Wisconsin Historical Society, Division of Library, Archives, and Museum Collections</extref>


    Replace with appropriate ARC or Collection link

  2. <physloc id="aspace_[######]">whi</physloc>  -- KEEP for now ...

    Replace with

    <physloc type="locationcode" audience="internal">whi</physloc>

    ARC or Collection link also includes code(s) for internal <physloc>

  3. <physloc id="aspace_[######]"><extref href="http://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.dl/whsead.catalog?repl1=[####]" role="handle">COLLECTION MAY BE STORED OFF-SITE ...</physloc> 
    Appears after internal <physloc>
  4. <abstract> Move any call/accession numbers which might appear at beginning of Abstract into the <unitid> -- KEEP
  5. Move the <note>(s) pointing to collection restriction(s) and/or assigned series/call number after <langmaterial> but before </did>. The note(s) are before the <dsc> contents list. Leave any <note> following <dsc>, within the contents list.


      <archdesc level="collection">

            <language langcode="eng">English</language>
            <p>There is an access restriction to this material; see the Administrative/Restriction
              Information portion of this finding aid for details.</p>
            <p>These records have been assigned Series 2608.</p>
  6. Add section before <controlaccess>:
    Administrative/Restriction Information</head> 
  7. Move the following fields, if present, under <descgrp>, in the following order:


  8. Add closing tag </descgrp>

  9. <controlaccess> fields under the following order:

  10. <dsc>: replace with: -- KEEP

    For "one-part" collections
    <dsc type="in-depth">


    For multi-part collections
    <dsc type="combined">

  11. See step 14 about <unitdate> in Parts and Series, if not already done so.
  12. Validate in <oXygen/> = Validate with -- ead.dtd file in EAD/EAD New/EAD DTD and Stylesheet 

    1. Ignore validation error for logo: E[Xerces]ENTITY "whslogo" is not unparsed.

  13. FTP to UWDCC test site

  14. Review finding aid on test site, make edits in ASpace and reexport (or for minor edits make in xml and ASpace without reexporting)

  15. Export final PDF from ASpace and save in appropriate Accessions or Register folder on the L:drive

KeywordsArchivesSpace ASpace EAD   Doc ID96630
OwnerAlison B.GroupUWLSS
Created2019-12-13 15:12:01Updated2024-04-18 12:23:15
SitesUW Libraries Shared Systems
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