(WHS Archives) ArchivesSpace -- Resource -- EAD Import

Import of EAD into ArchivesSpace

EAD Import

To be completed by Description Archivist or assigned staff.

  1. To be done by Alison: Download EAD from UWDCC ftp site /db/dlxs02/dlxs12a/prep/w/wiarchives/deposit/uw-whs/archive/ into
    L://LIBARC/LIBARC SHARED/Archives Cataloging and EAD/EAD/ASpace/[see folders listed  in #2 below]
    • Find file name under last part of url after "wiarchvies.uw-whs-"

  2. Files:
    State records:
    L:\\LIBARC\LIBARC SHARED\Archives Cataloging and EAD\EAD\ASpace\State records to import to ASpace
    Manuscript records:
    L:\\LIBARC\LIBARC SHARED\Archives Cataloging and EAD\EAD\ASpace\MSS EAD to import

  3. For State records: Working in file number order, move file from main folder to your working folder [create folder with your name]. Move 1 to 5 at a time. Save often. You may want to save the file to your desktop while working on it, but be sure to move back to L drive.

  4. Open file in <oXygen/> [or other xml editor] to edit the EAD ; if working from home stay logged into VPN

  5. Identify title, creator and call number of collection

  6. Open online finding aid by searching under call number, title or creator:
    "URL to cite for this finding aid" should end with the same file name.
            Note: If finding aid has an "Appendix" as seen in the Table of Contents move file to "Weird" folder as
                       these will take more work for import.

  7. Open ArchivesSpace and search for collection
         For state records there should be a brief Resource record, or a Resource record including only later "parts."  
         For example Part 3 is listed in ASpace but Parts 1 and 2 are not. If it looks like the whole finding aid is
         already in ASpace move to Done folder and email Alison with file name to verify.

  8. Once verified the EAD is not already in ASpace, or needs more work, work on EAD in <oXygen/>
    Note: It is possible to do a find and replace in all open files (Find > Find/Replace in Files). There will still need to be some on hands editing but this could save some time.

  9. Find "Register of the" and replace with "Finding aid to the" [appears in <filedesc><titlestmt><titleproper>

  10. Under <archdesc level="collection"><did><unitid label="Call Number"> if there are more than 5 call numbers (or more than 50 characters) for a collection cut and paste remainder of call numbers into the beginning of the abstract [ASpace will not import <unitid> with more than 50 characters. The abstract appears on the first page of an online finding aid, so it will be noticed if not moved during publishing.]

  11. Update the physical description <physdesc> / extent within the <archdesc level="collection"><did>, and be sure to expand abbreviations such as "c.f." Do not worry about converting <physdesc> within Parts (<c01 level="subfonds">) in the Contents List as these will import with no issue.

    a. For one extent: Find and replace <physdesc label="Quantity"> with <physdesc label="whole"><extent altrender="materialtype spaceoccupied">; after cubic feet and before container list add <extent altrender="carrier"> and close tags

         <physdesc label="Quantity">10.4 cubic feet (10 record center cartons and 1 archives box)</physdesc>

    will become

         <physdesc label="whole">
                  <extent altrender="materialtype spaceoccupied">10.4 cubic feet</extent>
    <extent altrender="carrier">(10 record center cartons and 1 archives box)</extent>

    b. For more than one extent: Each set will need to be split out before import. Also, remove mention of "; plus additions of". For example:

         <physdesc label="Quantity">6.4 cubic feet (16 archives boxes); plus additions of 11.6 cubic feet,  2 reels of microfilm (35mm), 15 tape recordings, and approximately 1.0 cubic foot of photographs (2 archives boxes and 1 flat box)</physdesc>

    will become

          <physdesc label="part">
                  <extent altrender="materialtype spaceoccupied">6.4 cubic feet</extent>
    <extent altrender="carrier">(16 archives boxes)</extent>
         <physdesc label="part">
                  <extent altrender="materialtype spaceoccupied">11.6 cubic feet</extent>

         <physdesc label="part">
                  <extent altrender="materialtype spaceoccupied">2 reels of microfilm (35 mm)</extent>

         <physdesc label="part">
                  <extent altrender="materialtype spaceoccupied">15 tape recordings</extent>

         <physdesc label="part">
             <extent altrender="materialtype spaceoccupied">1.0 cubic foot of photographs</extent>
           <extent altrender="carrier">(2 archives boxes and 1 flat box)</extent>

    NOTE: if there are no boxes, volumes, or rolls listed in parenthesis, there is no need for the second

    <extent altrender="carrier"> such as for audio, films, sometimes photographs, or for papers which are additions. When size of the format is listed in parenthesis such as for microfilm or films this is included in the first <extent altrender="materialtype spaceoccupied">

  12. Physical location:
         - Change language in <physloc> from "See the catalog entry for information on possible additional materials and shelf locations." to "COLLECTION MAY BE STORED OFF-SITE: see catalog entry to request materials and for additional information."
         - Change href from "http://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.dl/whsead.catalog?repl1=" (keeping the OCLC number) to "https://search.library.wisc.edu/search/catalog?q="

  13. Remove commas between <unittitle> and <unitdate>
    Search for ",[space]<unitdate" replace with "
    </unittitle><unitdate" [exclude the closing bracket for <unitdate> to be sure to find all instances of tag.]
    Search for "</unitdate></unittitle>" replace with "</unitdate>"
    May need to fix
    <unittitle><unitdate> when date is only title present [Although there are some cases where the date is listed first and than title]
    If the number of marches found in first replacement does not equal the number of matches found in second, there will be some which will need to be updated separately.

  14. Rare: If dates in a <unittitle> are part of a citation to a published work or production move into <unittitle> and do not tag date inside <unitdate>

    <unittitle><title render="italic">Where the Boys Are</title> (1960)</unittitle>

  15. Add levels to <c0#> otherwise will import as level="otherlevel" which is not valid coding. Search for <c02> replace with <c02 level="file"> ; repeat for all <c0#> tags until there are no matches [make sure the search includes the number zero and not the letter 'o']

    <c01> should already have a level: series or subfonds ; [in the case of Parts/"subfonds"  <c02> may already be marked as "series"].
    b. If in doubt use "file"
    c. Use "item" for films or audio
    For example:
    <c02> replace with <c02 level="item">

  16. For finding aids with Parts, remove id="p#" for every <co1>. This way ASpace will assign a Ref ID. Also, remove target="p1", etc. from <arrangement> (see step 34 below for adding targets back in).

    <c01 id="p1" level="subfonds">
       will become
    <c01 level="subfonds">

  17. Find and replace abbreviations especially ca. > circa, n.d. > undated, and c.f. > cubic feet, as well as abbreviated months

  18. Dates: Fix to Year month day order
    Jan. 15, 1998 > 1998 January 15
    also: 1965-6 > 1965-1966
    04-20-1921 > 1921 April 20

  19. Save file and validate for EAD2002

    a. In <oXygen/> under Validate [paper with red check mark] click on the down arrow next to the icon to get dropdown list
    b. Select "Validate with"
    c. "Browse for local file" > L://LIBARC/LIBARC SHARED/Archives Cataloging and EAD/EAD/EAD Updates/ead.dtd
    d. Schema type should turn to "DTD"
    e. OK
    f. There will always be at least one validation error for the WHS logo:
      E[Xerces] ENTITY "whslogo" is not unparsed
    g. If the WHS logo validation error is the only error then the record is ready

  20. Search for /> these usually need to be fixed [add example]

  21. Open Archives Space; Repository = WHS

  22. Create -- Background Job -- Import Data

  23. Import Type: EAD

  24. Drag file to window [or Add file]

  25. Queue Job

  26. Job success OR failure
    If failure read log to see if error to EAD can be discovered; then attempt import again. If unable to figure out error set up meeting with Alison to see if we can figure out error.

  27. Edit ASpace record. SAVE OFTEN

  28. Basic Information
         a. Title verify Creator (Agent) and format of materials are in title and no dates.
         b. Identifier move call numbers from Abstract to cells (up to 50 characters each). Keep additional call numbers in Abstract if not enough room
         c. Level of Description = Collection

  29. Languages
         a. At least one language listed
         b. Remove Language of Materials note if collection is only in one language.

  30. Dates
         a. Verify all fields are entered correctly

  31. Extents
         a. Verify all fields are entered correctly
         b. If more than one extent change Portion from "Whole" to "Part"

  32. Finding Aid Data
          a. EAD Location = http://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.dl/wiarchives.[EAD ID]

          b. Language of description = English
          c. Script of description = Latin
          d. F
    inding Aid Status = Published to UWDCC

  33. Notes
         a. Keep "Physical Location" note with "whi" in Content; DO NOT Publish
         b. Second "Physical Location" note with "COLLECTION MAY BE STORED OFF-SITE: see catalog entry to request materials and for additional information." and <extref> link to catalog record
         c. "General" note "There is a restriction ..." should appear when there is a "Conditions Governing Access" and/or "Conditions Governing Use" notes
         d. Other notes: Abstract, Biographical/Historical, Immediate Source of Acquisition, Processing Information, Scope and Content
         e. "Arrangement" note if there are multiple parts see next step

  34. For multiple part finding aids edit "Arrangement" note at the collection level to add target points to the part
          a. Open Excel, Word, or other text application to copy "Ref id"
          b. Open Part 1 in ASpace, copy "Ref id" and paste into spreadsheet or text document
          c. Repeat with Part 2 through the remainder of the parts
          d. Go to Collection Level > Notes > Arrangement > Expand
                 - Content: verify number of parts list match actual number of parts
                 - Ordered List: replace target="p#" with target="aspace_[Ref id]" for each part
                    <ref linktype="simple" target="p2" show="replace" actuate="onrequest">Part 2 (2004/082): Additions, 1998</ref>
                   <ref linktype="simple" target="aspace_acac2e3b72bcc6e4d16e0578aae156cf" show="replace" actuate="onrequest">Part 2 (2004/082): Additions, 1998</ref>

  35. [Merge with existing ASpace records. See article: (WHS Archives) ArchivesSpace -- Resource -- Merge]

ArchivesSpace WHS Resource EAD
Doc ID:
Owned by:
Alison B. in UWLSS
UW Libraries Shared Systems