(WHS Archives) EAD -- Appendix A. File Naming Conventions
Appendix A. File Naming Conventions
Use the main call number of the collection for name of xml file. Always use lower case letters. When a call number does not include the required number of digits add left leading zeros to achieve the proper number of digits.
When a collection contains more than one call number, usually the paper portion of the collection takes precedence for the naming of the xml files. However there are exceptions, if the collection is predominantly another format, such as photographs, films, or audio, then the call number of the predominant format will be used. If more than one call number represents the same format, especially in the case of films, use the first call number listed. Mixed format collections with 3 or more types of materials, use the paper portion call number by default. Collections that are half paper and half another format, us the paper portion call number by default.
Unprocessed collections with more than one accession number use oldest accession number for file name. If however the unprocessed collection has been assigned a call number, use the call number as the file name, even if none of the parts use the assigned call number.
When a collection is assigned a new series or call number and update the xml file name to follow the formats below. Before the site upload, the first full week of the month, report the file name change to UWDCC so they can redirect the old url to the new url. Have them also remove the old xml file.
State Government Records
Series number assigned
ser + 5 digits
ser02501 for Series 2501
Unassigned series number
year +3 digit number [Note: if series number is assigned, file under series number]
2006004 for 2006/004
85034 for 85/34
Local Government Records
First 4 letters of the county name + 4 digits for the series number
adam0012 for Adams Series 12
eauc0128 for Eau Claire Series 128
Use “gree” for Green County
Use “grel” for Green Lake County
Use “washb” for Washburn County
Use “washi” for Washington County
"c" + year+3 digit number [Note: if series number is assigned, file under series number]
c2012051 for C2012/051
c98074 for C98/074
Manuscript Collections housed in Madison
Processed/Call number assigned [in general, make file name total 8 digits]
mss + 5 digits
mss00089 for Mss 89
wis + 5 digits (Wis Mss XXX)
wis000ka for Wis Mss KA
wis0233s for Wis Mss 233S
wis032pb for Wis Mss 32PB
us + 6 digits (U.S. Mss XXX)
us0117af for U.S. Mss 117AF
us00000s for U.S. Mss S
micr + 4 digits
micr0022 for Micro 22
sc + 6 digits
sc000217 for SC 217
Unprocessed [manuscripts, in general, are no longer being assigned Mss call numbers, but are filed under accession numbers]
"m" + year + 3 digits
m2004035 for M2004-035
m85002 for M85-2
Manuscript Collections housed at ARCs
Each ARC abbreviation should be followed by 4 digits for the call number, be it letters or numbers.
Eau Claire ec00cw for Eau Claire Mss CW
Green Bay gb0015 for Green Bay Mss 15
La Crosse lx000q for La Crosse Mss Q
Milwaukee mil00051 for Milwaukee Mss 51
[Note: Use 5 digits rather than 4. Originally “milw” was used for Milwaukee Mss,
but this overlapped with Milwaukee County local government records.]
Ashland nort000c for Northland Mss C
Oshkosh osh00ab for Oshkosh Mss AB
Parkside pks0011 for Parkside Mss 11
Platteville pltv000l for Platteville Mss L
River Falls rf00ev for River Falls Mss EV
Stevens Point stpt000f for Stevens Point Mss F
Stout stou0012 for Stout Mss 12
Superior sup00af for Superior Mss AF
Whitewater whit00ch for Whitewater Mss CH
Audio collections (not part of a large manuscript collection)
Audio collections not part of a manuscript collection, or where audio is the major component. All new audio is assigned an Audio number and old tape numbers are converting or being assigned an Audio number. Finding aids which are being updated should have file name changed to fit new format.
audi + 5 digits + a
audi01513a for Audio 1513A
Old forms: these are no longer in use, any still under these file names should be converted to the audio file name format
tape + 6 digits
disc + 4 digits
Photograph Collections (not part of a larger manuscript collection)
ph + 5 digits [note do not include the size designation number which follows the PH number in parenthesis]
ph04274 for PH 4274
ph00002 for PH 2 (3)
phmss00495 for PH Mss 495
Moving Image Collections
Call number + 3 digits
ad038 for AD 038-AD 039; CB 435-CB 436
fg152 for FG 152-FG 249; DC 606-DC 631
Use name of program [old practice] - these do not need to be converted
screendirectors for Screen Directors Playhouse
McCormick Collection
mcc + 5 digits
mcc0001e for McCormick Mss 1E; McCormick Mss 2E
neb00a for Nebraska Mss A
iowa00a for Iowa Mss A
[not to be confused with Iowa County
materials under “Iowa Series”]
rfmicr0024 for River Falls Micro 24
rf0sc361 for River Falls SC 361