Topics Map > Shared Content > Cataloging
(WHS Archives) Cataloging -- Holdings Records
Add Holdings Records
Note: Workflow will differ for new materials going out to SAPF. Will create once move is underway or complete.
1. Search: Find bib record in ALMA “All title search”
2. Add Holdings:
a. For Bib record without holdings: Find Bib record in NZ (Network Zone). Edit Record, which should open Bib record into Metadata Editor. + Add Inventory > Add MARC21 Holdings > Books with 008 00-05 (Ctrl + Alt + H)
b. For Bib record with holdings: Find Bib record in IZ (Institutional Zone). Select Holdings, which will open up a list of all Holdings records for collection. + Add new Holdings, which should open new Holdings record in Metadata Editor.
3. 852: first indicator = 8
4. Open form editor: While in the 852 field Editing Actions – Open form Editor (Ctrl + F)
5. Location (a): blank
6. Sublocation or collection (b): WHSARCHIVE or WHSSHELV
7. Shelving location (c): Select shelving location [these are not in alphabetical order]
Archival Locations
acc - Unprocessed Accessions
stk - Archives Main Stacks: includes audio & microfilm user copies
mic - Archives Microfilm, negatives [suppressed]; use "stk" for microfilm positives; location not be added, most negatives now at SAPF Cold Storage.
audio - Archives Sound originals; use "stk" for audio user copies; discs at HQ, most other formats at SAPF Cold Storage
film - Archives/WCFTR Film: film and video; most formats at SAPF Cold Storage
vis - Archives Visual Materials: photos, negatives, transparencies, posters and architectural
ARC Locations
cwlrc - Circus World LRC
ecarc - Eau Claire ARC
gbarc - Green Bay ARC
lxarc - La Crosse ARC
milwarc - Milwaukee ARC
northarc - Northern Great Lakes ARC
osharc - Oshkosh ARC
pksdarc - Parkside ARC
pltvarc - Platteville ARC
rfarc - River Falls ARC
stptarc - Stevens Point ARC
stoutarc - Stout ARC
suparc - Superior ARC
whitarc - Whitewater ARC
Rare Published Materials Locations
bndnews - Bound newspapers
broad - Broadsides?
mss - Maps [used for Atlases, use map instead; use other locations for other materials]
map - Maps
pamrare - Rare Pams
rare - Rare Books
rareover - Rare oversize
rareschr - Rare Books, Schroeder Collection [No additions to collection]
ico - DO NOT USE [see Cataloging Archivist if appears in holdings record]
icover - DO NOT USE [see Cataloging Archivist if appears in holdings record]DO NOT USE
arch2hq - Bound newspapers [used rarely]
archstk - Archival collections
coldstor - Film, Audio, Microfilm Negatives
libstk - Library materials [DO NOT USE for archives or rare]
8. All other sections: Leave blank
9. Exit form: ESC
10. Add delimiter: F9 = $$ ; add before each subfield
11. Classification part (h): Enter call number or accession number for holdings. Copy from 099 (call number) or 541 $$e (accession number) as appropriate
12. Shelving control number (j): Enter shelving location; DO NOT add for SAPF locations
MAD 4 /12/G3
MAD 3M/ 9/M6
MAD 3 / 3/A1
MAD 2M/71/D3
MAD In process [for items still in processing]
13. Description (z): Copy from 541 $$3 from Bib record for unprocessed accessions, or as needed.
14. Private note (x): Used for staff notes about holdings, when needed
15. Multiple shelving locations: Add additional 852 fields for multiple shelving locations Edit – Add Field (F8) for each additional shelving location.
a. No indicators for additional 852s
b. Add box numbers in $$3, before $$j shelf location, when more than one location or if portions of same call number are in more than one holdings.
c. Add new shelving location $$j
d. repeat as needed
852 8_ $$b WHSARCHIVE $$c stk $$h Mss 1020 $$3 Box 1-232 $$j MAD 1G/11/E1-I9
852 __ $$3 Box 233-239 $$j MAD 3 /71/H7-8M
16. Save record: Ctrl + S (File – Save)
17. Add items: While in Metadata Editor Holdings record: + Add Inventory > Add Item (Alt + I); go to Add Item Records for instructions.
18. Add more holdings: Create more holdings, as needed; go to Step 2a
19. Save and Release: For each new holdings record Ctrl + Alt +R
REMEMBER: Save and Release all open bib and holdings record(s) when done.
Edit Holdings Record
1. Search: Find bib record in ALMA “All title search” under Institution Zone (IZ)
2. Select holdings: click on “Holdings” for list
3. Find holdings: From list identify holdings to update ... > Edit
4. Edit holdings: In metadata editor edit holdings [See Add holdings]
5. Save and Release: Ctrl + Alt +R
REMEMBER: Save and Release all open bib and holdings record(s) when done.
(created: AEB April 29, 2015; edited: AEB November 9, 2017; January 2023)