(WHS Archives) EAD -- Appendix E. Quick Reference to EAD Cookbook 2002 Clip Library

Below is a brief guide to the clips available in the EAD Cookbook 2002 Clip Library (as customized by WHS EAD project staff, pre-2011) used in NoteTab Pro. The clip library should cover most of the tags needed to markup a finding aid according to current WHS practices. The purpose of the clips is to reduce the amount of keying required to markup a finding aid, thus speeding up the markup process and reducing the number of typos introduced by manual keying. This cookbook is only to be used when ArchiveSpace is not a viable option.

Appendix E. Quick Reference to EAD Cookbook 2002 Clip Library

Do Not Use with NEW Collections or Accessions! ArchivesSpace should be used instead, with few exceptions.

Since the clip library only includes the most common tags or combinations of tags, you will need to manually enter less common tags. If you find that there is a tag or sequence of tags that you use frequently or that would aid you in marking up a very long finding aid, let the EAD Archivist know and she might be able to create a custom clip for you.

Key to Using Clip Symbols:

+         Wraps designated tags around highlighted text

!           Runs a macro or opens a new window/box

                Inserts designated text

Note: Ignore </c> tags at the end of the clips even if you recognize them as being nested incorrectly; these will be automatically fixed by the Final Clean-Up clip at the very end of the markup process.

Clip Name


Tags Inserted

Container List

<c01 level="series">

Wraps appropriate tags around series titles at the <c01> level. Note: if the series has a <unitdate>, you will have to put it in separately by using the <unitdate> clip.

<c01 level="series">





<c01>, <c02>, <c03>, <c04>, <c05>, <c06>, <c07>, <c08>

Wraps <c> level and <did> tags around <c> levels; most useful when you have multiple tags to include between the <did> tags (for example <unitid> and <unittitle>).









Wraps open and close <c> level and <did> tags around <c> levels that consists only of <unittitle> [and <unitdate>]. Note: if the <unittitle> includes a <unitdate>, you will have to put it in separately by using the <unitdate> clip.






<container type="box" label="Box">

<container type="folder" label="Folder">

<container type="othertype" label="No.">

<container type="reel" label="Reel">

<container type="frame" label="Frame">

<container type="item" label="Item">

<container type="volume" label="Volume">

<container type="oversize folder" label="Oversize Folder">

<container type="othertype" label="Package">

Wraps <container> tags around highlighted text.

<container type="box" label="Box">TEXT</container>




Wraps <unitid>, <unittitle>, or <unitdate> tags around highlighted text.


Shift levels

Moves <c> levels down by one level.

<c01 level="series"> becomes <c02 level="series">, etc.


Wraps <note> and <p> tags around highlighted text.



Wraps <scopecontent> and <p> tags around highlighted text.



Wraps <physdesc> tags around highlighted text.


Pre Clean-up

Clip used after the template has generated an EAD document, but before the contents list is added. The clip deletes unused fields from the narrative, adds a note for restricted materials, and for collections with multiple parts.

See Appendix F, Part 3

Final Clean-up

Clip used towards the end of the markup process (see Markup Procedures for details on use). The clip fixes the nesting of the levels in the contents list, deletes the "file" attribute from the <c> tags, puts the <unittitle> and <unitdate> tags in correct order, and puts paragraph breaks between each tag (to make the long strings generated by Auto Box List more readable).

See Appendix F, Part 4


Auto Box List


Generates a complete <c> level for all highlighted text according to the <c> level and container type selected in pop-up box. Must meet the Auto Box List formatting requirements detailed in the Markup Procedures.



       <container type="box" label="Box">TEXT</container>

        <container type="folder" label="Folder">TEXT</container>





Generates a complete <c> level for whichever line the blinking cursor is on, <c> level determined according to the <c> level and container type selected in the "ResetLevels" clip. Must meet the Auto Box List formatting requirements detailed in the Markup Procedures.

Same as above


Used in combination with the "CurrentLine clip"; resets level and container type indicated in the "ResetLevels" clip.




Add <p>

Wraps <p> tags around highlighted text.


Title <t>

Wraps <title rend="italic"> tags around highlighted text; use for titles of works only.

<title rend="italic">TEXT</title>


Wraps <emph> tags around highlighted text; includes render attribute for the render style selected from the drop-down menu in the pop-up box.

<emph render="italic">TEXT</emph>


Wraps <head> tags around highlighted text.



Character Entities (Opens character entity references guide; works only if you have an internet browser open.)

ampersand (&)

Inserts entity code for the ampersand (&) sign.


left and right quote marks

Wraps left and right quote marks around highlighted text.


quote mark

Inserts entity code for plain quote marks.


Tables and Lists


Wraps highlighted text in the tags necessary for forming the basic structure of a list (items must be tagged separately); brings up a pop-up box in which the <head> tag is entered






Wraps <item> tags around highlighted text.



Generates the markup for a table according to the number of columns and column headings entered into a pop-up box.


     <tgroup cols=”#”>













Wraps <row> tags around highlighted text.



Wraps <entry> tags around highlighted text.



Opens a pop-up form that generates markup for all entries within a given row (it bases the number of entries generated on the number of columns indicated in the “set col #” clip)






set col #

Opens a box allowing you to “set” the number of columns to include when creating a table; must be “reset” each time a table is created.




Opens a new EAD document by opening a window with a drop-down menu used to select a template.


Open Existing EAD

Opens a window listing all EAD files stored in the "EAD New" folder.




Parse and Validate

Opens "error.text" file listing validation errors in the document; lists errors one by one. Returns only the file name and file path when the documents is free of all validation errors.


View in Browser

Opens finding aid in default internet browser; displayed according to designated stylesheet.

[Not sure this works]


Container List Form

Set box number

Opens a box allowing you to "set" a box number that will be used to generate a container list; remains until "reset".


Set folder number

Opens a box allowing you to "set" a folder number that will be used to generate the container list; will add consecutive folder numbers until "reset".


1S. <c01 level="series">

Generates a <c01> level for a series from <unittitle> and <unitdate> fields included in a pop-up box form.

<c01 level="series">


       <unittitle>TEXT, </unittitle>




1. <c01>

2. <c02>

3. <c03>

4. <c04>

5. <c05>

6. <c06>

Generates a <c> level for folder titles from <unittitle> and <unitdate> fields included in a pop-up box form; pulls box and folder numbers from the numbers set previously in the "Set box number" and "Set folder number" clips.



       <container type="box" label="Box">SET NO.</container>

       <container type="folder" label="Folder">SET NO.</container>





























Wraps designated tags around highlighted tags.




Note: Clips appearing at the bottom of the EAD Notebook 2002 Clip Library (beginning with the section labeled "Reference" and continuing until the end of the library) contain important administrative information and in some cases are essential for the other clips to function. Do not alter, move, or delete these clips without consulting the BIS Archivist.

KeywordsEAD Cookbook 2002 Clip Library   Doc ID73687
OwnerAlison B.GroupUWLSS
Created2017-05-31 14:24:19Updated2023-01-04 15:34:38
SitesUW Libraries Shared Systems
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