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(WHS Archives) Audio -- Master -- New Holdings, Items

Audio masters for New Holdings and Items in WHS Archives.
  1. Search: Find bib record in ALMA “All title search” under Network Zone (NZ)
  2. Add new Holdings: Click Holdings under selected title to open list of holdings. Verify there is no holdings record for Audio. Click Add new Holdings which will open the metadata editor with a new holdings record.
  3. Call number: First indicator = 8; Add call number to 852 $$h
    Assign next available call number from card file near case files in Archives Processing; record call number, collection title and accession number on card
  4. Location: Open form editor while in the 852 field. Edit – Open form editor (Ctrl + F)
              a. Sublocation or collection (b): WHSARCHIVE
              b. Shelving location (c): audio
              c. Shelving control number (j): MAD Sound
              d. Exit form: Esc
    852 8_ $$a   $$b WHSARCHIVE $$c audio $$h Audio 1641A $$j MAD Sound
  5. Note: Add public note in $$z if audio is from an unprocessed accession (especially if audio is from more than one unprocessed accession)
    $$z 1535A/1-3 from accession 2009/028; 1535A/4, 1535A/100-133, and 1535A/136-139 from accession 2011/024
  6. Save and release record: File – Save and Release Record (Ctrl + Alt + S)
  7. Back to search results: Click Back to return to results
  8. Open Holdings: Click Holdings under selected title
  9. Open Items: Identify holdings record to add items Actions -- View items
  10. Add Item: Click Add Item
  11. Do not add barcode yet: Scanning the barcode will automatically exit and save the record.
  12. Material type: Audio recording
  13. Item Policy: Archives no Transfer [Master audio does not transfer through the ARC system; or circulate in the reading room]
  14. Enumeration A: [number]A/[item] – location [box code + number]
    Enumeration A: 1743A/1 – ORM 379

     Code  Type  Description  Location
     CASS  Cassette tape [Compact cassette] Magnetic; occasionally cassette sized enclosed audio format Cold storage
     MINI CASS  Microcassette [Mini cassette] Magnetic HQ
     ORS  Open reel* small < 5-inch diameter, Stenorette, 3M Living Letters,
    and other small open reel formats; magnetic
    Cold storage
     ORM  Open reel medium 7-inch diameter; magnetic Cold Storage
     ORL  Open reel large 10.5-inch diameter; magnetic Cold Storage
     ORXL  Open reel extra large > 10.5-inch diameter; magnetic HQ
     LPS  LP record ** small 7-inch diameter, 45 RPM, Sound Scribers,
    Audographs, etc.; grooved
     LPM  LP record medium 10-inch diameter, 78 RPM; grooved HQ
     LPL  LP record large 12-inch diameter, 33 1/3 RPM; grooved HQ
     LPXL  LP record extra large 16-inch diameter, transcription discs; grooved HQ
     DICTABELT  Dictabelts Vinyl belts in red, blue or purple; grooved Cold Storage
     WIRE  Wire recordings Magnetic wire on spools HQ
     DAT  Digital audio tape cassettes Digital HQ
     CDO  Compact disc originals Digital HQ

    * Open reel: width of tape can be 1/4-inch, 1/2-inch, 1-inch, 2-inch (rare)
    ** LP records/discs: can be vinyl, lacquer, or shellac

  15. Public Display: Description – Generate
  16. Edit Description: Delete “v.” in front of audio number in the Description field
    [Unfortunately this is a default that cannot be shut off]
  17. Receiving date: Enter date materials arrived in Archives
  18. Inventory date: Enter today's date [date materials became "available"]
  19. Scan Barcode: Unless there is an error, scanning barcode should save and close record
  20. Re-open item: Actions – Edit
  21. Add Statistics note 1: Enter one of the following
    Local gov audio
    State gov audio
    WCFTR Audio
    WHS Audio
  22. Add Statistics note 2: Enter one of the following
  23. Save Record: Save and confirm (You may get a warning “The description may need to be updated as well (using the generate button)” This is usually fine.)
  24. Create multiple items for same holdings: Duplicate the first item. Actions –Duplicate. This will automatically duplicate and open a new item record.
  25. Update Audio number: Change the audio number in Enumeration A. Also update in the Description; you can do this by clicking on the Generate button or by editing in the field.
  26. Verify other information: Verify that the Material type, Item policy, and Statistics note 1 and 2 are still appropriate; change if needed
  27. Scan Barcode: save and close record
  28. Repeat steps 24-27: as needed
  29. Add Holdings for User Copies: Even if user copies are not being made at this time, add a holdings record for user copies.
  30. 852: add location and call number. NOTE: Location for user copies is "stk"
    852 81 $b WHSARCHIVE $c stk $h Audio [call number] User Copies
  31. Add note to order user copies: If user copies have not been made for the audio add an 866 with the following note: User copy(s) need to be ordered; contact

    866 _0 |8 1 |a UCD 1349A/1-1666 |z User copy(s) need to be ordered; contact

  32. Save and release record: File – Save and Release Record (Ctrl + Alt + S)

Adding and editing Audio user copy holdings
General and editing information on archives holdings records
General and editing information on archives item records

(20170106 aeb; revised 20170524 aeb)

KeywordsAudio Archives Holdings Items User Copies   Doc ID67367
OwnerAlison B.GroupUWLSS
Created2016-09-29 16:28:19Updated2023-10-25 11:53:37
SitesUW Libraries Shared Systems
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