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PUBLIC - (System) - Install Oshkosh Font
For information on the Alma Print Slip Fonts, see :
Font Required:Oshkosh
Here is the file: oshkosh.ttf
For automated installation: (instructions for IT staff)
//deploy Oshkosh fonts for backward Alma labels
xcopy /y /s "…oshkosh.ttf" "c:\windows\fonts"
reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts" /v "Oshkosh (TrueType)" /t REG_SZ /d oshkosh.ttf /f
Manual installation: (only for machines managed by LTG, KMEMxxxx, SMEMxxxx for example)
1. Download the file (there is a TEM task to push this to a LTG workstation , then reboot.)
2. Navigate to where it is downloaded
3. Right click the file and left click "Install"
4. After installing, reboot the machine