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(WHS Archives) Cataloging -- Bibliographic Records - Transferring Papers/Records

When materials in one series/collection belong in another series/collection, record the transfer of materials in the bibliographic record.

For materials being transferred from established collections:

  1. Copy 541/583 pickle(s) for each accession being transferred from old series/collection to new series/collection
    • If there is no description in the 541 $3 in the old record, add and use the dates and 520 from the old record

  2. Re-number pickle to go to end of 541/583 pickles in new series

  3. Add 583 in new series for each pickle being transferred

    583 1_ $8 #.#\a $a Transferred from [series #, call #, or OCLC#] $n #.# $o c.f. [or format] $c yyyymmdd [date transfer made] $k [initials]

    583 1_ $8 3.4\a $a Transferred from St. Croix Series 44 $n 0.2 $o c.f. $c 20221201 $k AJB

  4. If only a portion of the series/collection is being transferred, keep the 541/583 pickle(s) in the original bib record; otherwise report old bib record to Cataloging Archivist for deletion.

  5. Add 583 in the original bib record for each pickle being transferred

    583 1_ $8 #.#\a $a Transferred to [series #, call #, or OCLC#] $n #.# $o c.f. [or format] $c yyyymmdd [date transfer made] $k [initials]

  6. Rehouse or relabel materials with new title, and if applicable, new series/collection # [if accession number is being kept only title needs to be updated]

  7. If materials are being rehoused, delete item record; if materials are only being relabeled, move holdings and/or item record(s) to new series/collection

    • Holdings and item records are moved together if the accession number was used as the call number and is being kept on the materials being transferred. Otherwise only the item record needs to be moved to the new bib/holdings.

For materials being transferred from newly processed collections: [see Organic and Sustainable Agriculture Publications]

KeywordsMoving records accessions papers different series collection   Doc ID122772
OwnerAlison B.GroupUWLSS
Created2022-12-01 10:23:26Updated2023-10-25 11:52:27
SitesUW Libraries Shared Systems
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