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Kaltura (Known Issue) - Captions Button Not Displaying (Resolved)

Video owners or co-editors can change the captions display setting on individual videos to restore the Captions ("CC") button for their viewers. To do so, follow these steps:
1) Go to Kaltura's "My Media"
1a) In Canvas, go to Canvas > Account > My Media.
1b) In Mediaspace, go to Guest > Login, then [Your Name] > My Media.
2) In My Media, select a video from your list of videos.
3) In the drop-down menu below the preview of the video, click Actions > Edit.
4) On the Edit page, select the Captions tab.
5) On the Captions tab, make sure that the video-player-shaped Show on Player button is selected.
If the button is greyed out slightly and crossed out, it means that the captions will not display to viewers.
Long-Term Solution
The University of Wisconsin System Administration's DLE Team has determined that the issue was caused by a permissions error which incorrectly allowed unauthorized users to access a test captioning profile with different captions display settings than the default captioning profile.
Although new videos can no longer be captioned using the test captioning profile, existing videos which were captioned with those settings retain them. The settings of those videos will have to be individually corrected. See "Workaround," above.