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Canvas - Integration - Student Referral Form

UW Extended Campus' Student Referral Form is approved for use within the Digital Learning Environment (DLE). This is a simple, custom-built LTI tool that displays information about a student referral form to faculty but not students.


The Student Referral Form (SRF) is for UW Extended Campus use only.


This simple LTI app displays a referral form used by Student Services (a business unit within UW Extended Campus).  This form is used by faculty when they notice a student may need assistance and would like to work with Student Services to provide support. 


This is a free tool.

New Users:

Faculty teaching courses for UW Extended Campus should contact their program's Student Support representative for more information.



Security Information:

The tool does not pass information between Canvas and the student referral form.

Privacy Policy:

Student privacy is protected per UWSA policy and by the Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) created between UW Extended Campus and partner institutions.

KeywordsExternal apps LTI referral formDoc ID102049
OwnerShaylah B.GroupUWSA DLE
Created2020-05-13 10:39:35Updated2020-05-18 10:47:18
SitesUW System Administration DLE
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